Saturday, July 4, 2009

Bash Scripting

So here I was, all set to start getting all of my notes into one place on bash scripting, when I came across an obscure note in my pile of paper. Something I had actually scribbled in there some time ago, but either a) forgot I wrote it there, and as such never referenced it, or b) glanced down at the note and couldn't immediately make out what it said. See, some of my note taking occurs at 3AM, or thereabouts, under the influence of a tremendous amount of coffee and tea, making my notes a bit un readable by most humans in this particular plane of existance.

The original note said: LDP - bash programming howto.
This was crossed out in green crayon, and written directly below was: LDP - ABS.


LDP - bash programming howto:
LDP - ABS (Advanced Bash Scripting) :

The latter actually has everything that is in my notes, with the exception of my notes pertaining to whatever problem I was attempting to solve at the time, and the examples in teh ABS are generic, and thus "More gooderer"(tm) than my notes.

Why did I bother writing all this drivel if my intent was to merely point the reader to those two resources? Only so I could use the term "Giant Monkey Robot Ninja Pirate Viking" in a sentence. And also, so there was a place for me to go look in the event I ever need to find these resources again.

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