Friday, December 12, 2008

Trapping in bash

Scenario: You are running a code deployment to a small server farm of maybe 10-15 servers. Too small for something like tentakal, but too big to just ssh and deploy, logout, wash - rinse - repeat.

So you write a simple while; do loop and roll your stuff out that way.

The problem comes up when you realize that the deployment is hanging on a particular function, and you want to exit from that session, but want to continue your deployment on the rest of the machines - or whatever...

Enter my friend "trap".

Trap can pick up a variety of signals, and act on those in whatever way you wish.

Example: You want to stop someone from hitting ^C:


trap "echo 'tsk tsk - no ^cing!'" 2
while true; do
echo "I dare you to press ^C"
echo ""
sleep 15

So - this will wait for the signal 2 (INTerrupt), and print tsk tsk - no ^cing! to the screen everytime you hit ^C.

Now, how do you stick this into a script so that it will execute that portion until it gets a ^C?


# some code.. do what you want here...

#Trap code:

# First trap - if ctl-c is hit, it will go to the next function:
while [ trap -ne 2 ] ; do
# your commandline/script code here

# The next function:

while [ trap -ne 2 ] ; do
# your commandline/script code here

...and so on...

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