Sunday, January 6, 2008

New Firewall for Rick: Part I - Selection

ARGH! My Linksys WRT54GS keeps randomly breaking. By breaking I mean "my wired net connections stop working as advertised". This is a royal pain when you are trying to complete things for work... or you happen to be on call and watching your Nagios monitoring stop refreshing (yay!).

The entire reason I went to the WRT is because I just didn't have room for a whole computer dedicated to firewalling. Well; I now officially give up. After some careful browsing and comparison (in between losing internet access, that is), I've settled on either pfSense again or UnTangle. I had run m0n0wall, then pfSense when it was an openbsd based system, and pfSense as based on freebsd. It's super simple to setup, it's easy to maintain, and it "just works".

The one drawback for me though, is that it has to be connected to the live network during installation (correct me if I'm wrong). This is a real drag for folks like me who tend to pop online regularly to check a setting or fail to print out the notes on installation/configuration.

Untangle is a relatively new one, that has application modules that plug right in - the only thing about this one that I fear is the slowness associated with this many filters applied.

We shall see.


Chris Buechler said...

pfSense doesn't have to be connected to a network during installation. It will take MUCH longer to boot if you aren't, because it'll try to get a DHCP address, sync the system time, etc. and those things take a bit to time out. But I setup systems all the time that aren't connected to the Internet, never had a problem.

Rick said...

and rightfully - I stand corrected. I had meant to go edit that portion of the post out and fix it, but by the time I got around to it, Chris here already pointed out my error.

I have, in fact, settled on pfSense - it's fast, stable, and I'm familiar with it.

That and it picked up all of my hardware - no problems at all.

Chris Buechler said...

Glad to hear it, Rick. :)
